Add / Replace or Delete YouTube Video Thumbnails - Yours Query

Add, Replace and Remove the YouTube thumbnails in just few clicks.

What is the definition of thumbnail image?

It is a term or an image used by designers and photographers for a small image representative of a larger image. The purpose of it is to make it easier and faster to have a look or manage a group of larger images.

This image appears as a background image once the video playing is completed. You could also see this image as a display before you click on play button.

What is the recommend size and format of the thumbnail image for YouTube?

Thumbnail image should be as large as possible, as this image will also be used as the preview image in the embedded player. So I recommend your thumbnails should be:
  1. It should be attractive and it details the main goal of the video
  2. Have a resolution of 1280x720 (with minimum width of 640 pixels)
  3. Image formats such as .jpg/jpeg.gif .bmp
You can add maximum 4 images as thumbnails but only one which you have selected willl appear on YouTube.

How to add YouTube thumbnail image in YouTube Channel?

  1. Go to "Video Manager"
  2. Search the video by it's Title, paste the title in the top right corner search box and give search.
  3. Click on the “Edit” option of the video which you want to add the thumbnail.
  4. you could see "Add thumbnail" button to the extreme right of the video.
  5. Click on it and browse the image from your PC and click Ok. Then click on "Save changes".

How to replace YouTube thumbnail image?

  1. Keep in mind that the last thumbnail can be replaced not others.
  2. Follow the above 3 points.
  3. Place the cursor on the last image and it will show "Download image" and "Change image".
  4. Click on "Change image", browse the image you want to upload and then hit OK. And then click on "Save changes".

How to delete the YouTube thumbnail image?

Folks!! It's very easy. Follow the steps below and remove the thumbnail image from you tube.
  • Go to Video Manager 
  • Click on the “edit” of the video which you want to remove the thumbnail.
  • Click on / Select the thumbnail you want to set as background image.
  • Then click on "Save Changes" at the top right corner.
  • All the images below the selected image will be deleted automatically.

Congracts !! You did it !!

Note: If you select a thumbnail image, then all other thumbnails below the selected thumbnail will  be automatically deleted(not always the case) but all the images above it will remain there.

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